
French Lavender: Uses, Benefits, Where To Buy? Side Effects

French Lavender is a medicinal herb that has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. It belongs to the lavender plant family.

Its Latin name is lavandula stoechas.

In World War I, it was used to heal and disinfect wounds.

French Lavender has many benefits for physical and mental health.

It calms the nerves and has a positive effect on the treatment of depression.

Although it is said to be beneficial for memory and vascular health, there is not enough scientific research on this subject.

Therefore, it is not correct to use it without consulting a doctor.

What Is French Lavender?

French Lavender is a flowering plant species that grows naturally in Mediterranean countries.

In addition to being a perennial ornamental plant, it is quite medicinal.

It usually blooms purple or pink flowers in spring.

Its length varies between 30-100 cm.

It is used as medicine in France and in many places.

In Persian-Arabic traditional medicine, lavandula is called ‘ustukhuddus’ and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

The extract of French Lavender has antifungal, antibacterial and antioxidant properties.

You can read this article to learn about the Bergamot tree.

Nutrients and Vitamins

French Lavender

This medicinal plant, which is extremely rich in vitamins and minerals, is an ideal source of calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium.

It is also a low-calorie herb.

In addition to the above substances, the oil of French Lavender contains camphor, triterpenic acid, myrthenol, pinocarvyl acetate, essential oils, glycoside, steroid, terpine, resin and terpines.

Benefits Of French Lavender

  • Strengthens intelligence and memory and relieves mental fatigue and confusion
  • It is used in the treatment of most brain disorders in the Arab-Persian tradition.
  • It is used in the treatment of sinusitis, cough, chronic cold and feverish cold.
  • It prevents and relieves the symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • It is used together with other herbs in the treatment of headache and migraine.
  • It accelerates blood circulation.
  • It prevents vascular occlusion.
  • It helps in the treatment of urinary tract infection and vaginal infections.
  • It prevents the development of blood cancer and many types of cancer.
  • It accelerates the healing of skin wounds.
  • It relieves nausea.
  • It is good for rheumatic pains.
  • It is good for insomnia.
  • It is good for indigestion, constipation and flatulence.
  • It regulates the digestive system and makes the intestines work more actively.
  • It relieves muscle aches and muscle fatigue.
  • It stops the progression of tumors in the brain.

Attention! This herb should never be used as a preventative.

This plant can only be used as an aid in the treatment of some diseases.

Since it has an inhibitory effect on some enzymes in our body, its use as a preventative may cause side effects.

In addition, it must be used with the permission and control of a doctor.

Skin Health Benefits Of French Lavender

French Lavender

It is one of the most widely used types of lavender and is used as an anxiolytic aromatherapy oil.

It is possible to benefit from this plant for hair health as well as skin health.

We can list the benefits of French Lavender for skin and hair health as follows:

  • It prevents skin wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. You can achieve a smoother skin by gently massaging your skin with 2-3 drops of French Lavender oil daily.
  • By disinfecting wounds, it improves the appearance of burns such as sunburns.
  • It stops hair loss, contributes to the appearance of more lively and shiny hair. It nourishes the hair and gives a natural shine to the hair.
  • As a strong antibacterial, it prevents the spread of bacteria and germs to larger areas on the skin.

Does French Lavender Lose Weight?

By contributing to the health of the intestine and digestive system, it also helps the person to lose weight and stay in shape, albeit indirectly.

However, if you are going to use French Lavender for weight loss, you should not overdose.

You should not consume this tea every day. You should definitely consult your doctor.

There are many physicians who state that French Lavender reduces the desire to consume cigarettes. You can give this plant a chance to quit this bad habit.

How To Use French Lavender?

It is generally consumed as a tea. French Lavender tea has all the medicinal properties that the plant has.

Another use of the plant is pain and wound treatment.

The oil obtained from this plant is applied topically on wounds and pains on the skin. In this way, it relieves the feeling of pain and suffering.

French Lavender is also used commercially in the production of air fresheners and pesticides.

This herb is an effective insect repellent. It is especially effective against mosquitoes.

Soap and perfume are also produced from French Lavender. Herb sticks are burned as incense.

The oil, which has a pleasant smell, calms the nerves.

Since the plant has aromatic leaves, it is used extensively as an ornamental plant in churches.

Benefits Of Oil

French Lavender

Just like other lavender varieties, French Lavender can be used as an aromatherapy oil. We can list the most important benefits of oil as follows:

  • When the oil is dripped into the tub filled with water in the bath, it relieves the tension in the body.
  • Massage with oil relaxes the muscles.
  • It can be consumed orally to relieve nausea.
  • It moisturizes the hair, especially when used by people with a dry hair structure. French Lavender oil is perfect for damaged hair.
  • French Lavender oil applied to the skin alleviates the nasty appearance of stretch marks.
  • It can be used externally to relieve the symptoms of skin diseases such as eczema.
  • French Lavender oil also has a relaxing and calming effect on babies, but should never be used for babies without a doctor’s permission.

What Are The Side Effects Of French Lavender?

It is important for your health to be extremely careful while using French Lavender.

According to some sources, a maximum of 1 glass should be consumed per day.

According to some sources, after a maximum of 15 days of consumption, consumption should be interrupted for 15 days.

The amount to be taken daily is 3-6 grams.

This amount should under no circumstances exceed 6 grams.

Although there is not enough information about its side effects, the most common side effects are:

  • Just like other lavender oils, French Lavender oil is a narcotic poison.
  • Excessive consumption causes stomachache.
  • It interacts with these drugs when taken with diuretics and blood pressure lowering drugs.
  • Overuse can result in nausea, dizziness and vomiting.
  • Long-term use can cause kidney and liver problems.

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The plant is said by different names in different countries.

In the UK they call it Lavandula stoechas, but in different places, it can be called spanish lavender.

It is very important to choose the place where the plant will grow, and it will be beneficial for the plant to grow it in full sun.

If you are going to plant French lavender, you should remember that the best time is early spring.

If you are going to plant French lavender, another point we should not forget is that the plant should be planted in low-nutrient sandy soils.

There are different types of lavender and they grow to different inches tall. (Usually 18 inches to 35 inches)

It is possible to see the herb garden French Lavender often.

Don’t forget to bring plants indoors in winter

For a good growth, care should be taken that the soil in which it will grow is alkaline soil..

If you brought lavender indoors, be sure to water them every 4 or 6 weeks.

Note: Another name for lavender is lavandula dentata.

Grow french lavender is not very difficult contrary to popular belief.

Growing lavender in pots is good for you because you can easily move it indoors in the winter.

If the lavender you plant is constantly fading, you can try planting English lavender.

Make sure you are using a good drained soil.

French lavender grows well in slightly alkaline soils.

Lavenders prefer prefers to grow in well-manicured soils.

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