
Drug Test On Period: Everything You Need To Know

Drug testing is a common practice in sports organizations, schools and even some workplaces in many countries.

It is often used to detect the presence of drugs of abuse in an individual’s body.

However, in some cases (for example, the use of certain drugs or the consumption of certain foods) may affect the result of this test.

Drug Test On Period

Drug Test On Period

If the drug test is taken in the urine during the menstrual period of women, this may affect the drug test.

Do not forget to tell your health care professional who performed the test that you are menstruating.

The combination of a urine sample and menstrual blood can affect the results of the drug test.

This can result in a positive test for an individual who does not use drugs and may cause false results.

Since menstrual blood contaminates the urine, it can cause errors in the drug test.

Can A Drug Test Be Done During The Menstrual Period?

Drug testing can be done during menstruation, but obtaining a clean urine sample can be difficult.

If you have heavy bleeding, you should talk to your doctor before having a drug test.

Does The Vaginal Pad Or Tampon Used Affect The Drug Test?

Hygienically used tampons and pads are unlikely to affect the drug test.

It is not recommended to use menstrual cups during drug testing as the cup could potentially contaminate the urine sample.

Do Hormonal Birth Control Pills Affect Drug Testing?

Since there are no drugs in the certified and legally sold birth control pills, they do not have any effect on the drug test.

When using birth control pills, be sure to take a good look at their ingredients.

Does Taking Painkillers During Menstruation Affect The Drug Test?

Yes. Some painkillers (eg Advil, Aleve and Motrin) can cause your drug test to be positive.

If you are using any painkillers, inform your doctor about this before having the tests.+

Does Urinary Tract Infection Affect Drug Testing?

Yes. If you have a urinary tract infection, your urine composition may change, causing your drug test to be positive.

How Should A Urine Sample Be Taken For Drug Testing?

If you tell your doctor that you are menstruating, this warning will be taken into account when a urine test will be taken from you.

All you have to do is tell your doctor that we are menstruating.

Does Stress During The Menstrual Period Affect The Drug Test?

Any stress from the body or other psychological problems (as long as the drug is not used) does not affect the drug test.

Does Alcohol Use During Menstruation Affect The Drug Test?

Yes. Alcohol use during menstruation can cause your drug test to be positive.

For this reason, be careful not to use alcohol for 1 week before the test.

Does Using Over-the-counter Medication During Menstruation Affect The Drug Test?

Yes. Over-the-counter medications such as Dextromethorphan, Diphenhydramine, Phentermine, etc. can interfere with your drug test.

Tell your doctor about all the drugs you are using before the test.

What Foods And Drinks Can Affect The Results Of A Menstrual Drug Test?

As we mentioned above, some foods and beverages consumed during menstruation can potentially affect drug test results by changing the pH level of the urine, which can lead to false positive or negative results.

Consuming too much vitamin C can cause the presence of the drug in the urine to appear false.

Excessive consumption of some acidic foods can also change the effect of the test.

How Soon After The Menstrual Period Can I Have A Drug Test?

After your menstrual blood has stopped, you can have a drug test. There is no need for an extra waiting period after the blood stops.

Be sure to follow the instructions of the healthcare professional performing the test.

Can Women Refuse A Drug Test During Menstruation?

This is very unlikely. It is not possible for women to refuse a drug test during menstruation, but it may be possible if a woman with excessive bleeding thinks that the health worker cannot get clean urine.

Alternative drug tests in women during menstruation

If you are going to have a drug test during your menstrual period, not only urine but also hair or saliva test can be considered as an alternative.

It is best to avoid a urine test, especially if you are on your period.

It should be noted that these tests may not cause conclusive results like a urine test.

The most definitive result is the urine test result.

Drugs That May Affect The Drug Test

Drug tests are an important tool used to detect the presence of drugs in a person’s system.

These tests may be requested during the hiring process, during regular routine checks at the workplace, or for legal reasons.

However, in some cases, drug test results can be misleading because some natural remedies, prescription and over-the-counter medications can also affect test results.

If you are using any of the following drugs, let your doctor know about this before you do a drug test:

Natural Medicines:

  • Kava Root: Kava root is a natural herbal supplement used especially in Polynesian origin communities. Kava root can cause false positive results in a drug test because some tests can similarly detect the kavalactones found in kava root.
  • Poppy Seeds: Poppy seeds are known as a spice used in some traditional dishes. However, some compounds found in poppy seeds can lead to positive results in a drug test. Therefore, consuming poppy seeds should be avoided before a drug test.

Prescription Drugs:

  • Painkillers: Some pain relievers may contain opioids, which can affect test results. These include drugs such as codeine, hydroxyzine, and tramadol. If you are taking or taking these drugs on a prescription, it is important to inform the person doing the test in advance.
  • Antidepressants: Some antidepressants can also interfere with drug testing. In particular, drugs known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) can make test results misleading. If you are using these drugs, it is important to tell your doctor or the personnel who will perform the test.

Non-Prescription Medicines:

  • Cold Medicines: Many over-the-counter cold medicines contain decongestants and antihistamines that can affect test results. In particular, pseudoephedrine can cause false positive results in tests.
  • Cough Syrups: Dextromethorphan, found in some cough syrups, can affect test results and lead to false positive results. For this reason, care should be taken while using cough syrup and information should be given to the relevant persons when necessary.


Drug tests are important tools used for many different purposes.

However, some natural remedies, prescription and over-the-counter medications can affect test results and lead to false positive results.

Therefore, before taking any drug test, it is important that you inform the personnel who will perform the test of any medications or natural supplements you are taking.

It’s also helpful to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the potential effects of your medications.

It is important that you take these precautions into account in order to protect your health and achieve accurate results.

See also: Daily vs. Monthly Lenses


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