
Nabothian Cyst: Its Symptoms, Treatment, Diagnosis And More

Nabothian cyst is a disease related to the obstruction of the glands in the cervical canal due to infection or another reason.

Since the secretion of the glands is not discharged out, the blockage area causes a small sac filled with the inside.

The resulting vesicles are found more than once in the cervix.

The diameter of these vesicles varies between 2-10 mm.

There is a sticky secretion called mucus in the cyst.

These cysts, also known as cervical cysts, are more common in mothers who have given birth.

This problem does not give any symptoms in many women.

In some cases, doctors can detect this problem during a gynecological examination.

Cysts seen in the cervix can be experienced frequently.

Cysts in the cervix will not be a sign of cancer or a threat.

Giving birth or trauma to the cervix can lead to the appearance of these cysts in women.

The color of the cysts may be white or yellow.

It is also soft in texture.

Many women have no symptoms of this cyst at all.

Nabothian Cyst photo

What Are The Symptoms Of A Nabothian Cyst?

Problems such as cervical cysts occur in the outer cervical wall.

There are no symptoms that may adversely affect health.

It is necessary to pay attention to the size of the cyst.

Small cysts do not cause pain or discomfort.

However, cysts larger than 8 cm in diameter may be a sign of uterine tumor or cervical cancer.

Nabothian cyst symptoms include spotting or bleeding between periods, vaginal discharge with a foul odor, pressure or swelling in the lower abdomen, starting to urinate more frequently, and bleeding after sexual intercourse.

Cervical cysts may occur before these symptoms occur in many women.

What Are The Causes Of Nabothian Cyst?

The cervix contains glands that produce mucus.

These glands become covered with a layer of skin.

The conditions that cause the formation of a Nabot cyst can be listed as follows;

  • The cervical gland can produce a high amount of mucus to protect it from any infection or inflammation in the area. This will lead to clogging and cyst formation. In addition, sexually transmitted infections can also develop cysts on the surface of the cervix.
  • Hormonal changes in the expectant mother can lead to the formation of cervical cysts. These cysts can occur during major changes in hormone levels. Hormone changes become evident during pregnancy, childbirth or menopause.
  • Nabothian cyst can occur if the tissues lining the cervix are injured. New tissues are developed in order to heal injured areas in our body. However, if the tissues proliferate, cysts can also form.
  • The cervix is open to allow the flow of sperm from the vagina to the uterus and menstrual fluid from the uterus to the vagina. During pregnancy, the body closes the cervix to ensure the development of the fetus in the womb. New tissues grow in the mucosa after birth. If there is an overgrowth of the tissues, the gland becomes clogged and the mucus does not flow and cysts may form.

How Is A Nabothian Cyst Diagnosed?

Cervical cyst occurs due to many reasons.

However, its symptoms may not be seen in many women.

The presence of these cysts is often revealed by gynecological examination.

Diagnosis of a Nabothian cyst can be made by the methods listed below:

  • If the cyst is close to the endocervical canal and there is enlargement in this area, it can be identified by pelvic or cervical ultrasound.
  • The possibility of tissue rupture or cervical trauma on the cyst can be determined by pelvic magnetic resonance imaging.
  • If the size of the cyst is small, it can be seen with computed tomography in the cervical region.
  • Nabothian cyst can be diagnosed accurately in colposcopy, in which the cervical and vaginal walls are examined with pelvic-vaginal ultrasound.
  • A biopsy may also be done to identify sexually transmitted diseases and to confirm whether the cysts are cancerous.

How Is Nabothian Cyst Treated?

Cervical cyst can be removed with your doctor’s advice and your decision.

You can choose several methods to get rid of this cyst.

The application to be made is determined as a result of the examinations of your doctor.

The available methods are listed below:

  • If the nabothian cyst is large, the cyst and surrounding tissues can be surgically removed with an endoscope.
  • Electrocautery ablation with high-frequency electrical currents can be performed. In this process, the electric current can remove the abnormal mass in the cervical region or allow the fluid to be drained. Blood loss in this procedure will be very low.
  • Cervical cyst can be treated with cryotherapy, which is a very easy method. In this process, the cyst can be frozen and liquid nitrogen can be used to destroy it.
  • Laser therapy can be used to reduce bleeding or infection complications. With laser, the cyst can be removed quickly and reliably.

All of the methods used for the treatment of nabothian cysts are safe.

Your condition, examinations, and recommendations of your doctor are very effective in determining the treatment method to be applied.

In addition, it is not necessary to treat these cysts unless they cause a specific complaint.

Is A Nabothian Cyst Dangerous For Pregnancy?

If a formation occurs in the cervix, it can prevent pregnancy.

Cysts growing in this area may prevent the opening of the cervix and make it difficult for fertilization to occur.

In order for the sperm to reach the egg at ovulation, the cervical mucus should be in a slippery structure with a thin consistency.

If the mucus layer is thick and sticky, fertilization may be adversely affected.

Cervical cyst is generally not dangerous in daily life.

In these cases, you do not need to be treated.

However, in order to eliminate risks and prevent problems that may arise, it is useful to examine the cyst and follow its dimensions.

Large cysts can cause pain.


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