
When Can I Change My Septum Piercing?

Septum piercing is a very popular type of piercing, especially in the United States.

After piercing your septum (the name given to the thin partition in the form of a curtain that divides the organ or cavity in anatomy), you should be thinking about what to wear to fit it.

However, there are some points that you should pay attention to before changing these metals.

When Can I Change My Septum Piercing

When Can I Change My Septum Piercing?

You can replace your septum piercing after the puncture site has completely healed. But piercing experts recommend waiting as long as possible.

Healing time varies from person to person, but it can take 2 to 3 months for a septum piercing to heal.

In some people, this time can be as high as 6 to 8 months.

Your healing time may vary depending on the care of your wound, how much you touched the piercing after the procedure, your general health and whether there is an infection in the wound.

If you change your septum piercing before it heals, there may be risks such as pain and infections in the application area.

Replacing your septum piercing 2 months after the procedure will be less uncomfortable and less painful.

The simplest way to tell if your piercing has healed is to examine your skin.

If you do not feel pain or see blood when you touch your piercing, it means that your wound has healed.

However, if you feel a crusting on your skin, it means that your piercing is still not healed and is in the final stage of healing.

What Happens If I Replace My Septum Piercing Prematurely?

If you replace the Septum Piercing prematurely, you may face the problems listed below:

  • Risk of infection: Removing the piercing before it heals will cause irritation at the wound site. If the piercing that you will insert into the area is not sufficiently sterilized and cleaned, the possibility of infection of the wound is very high.
  • Pain: The septum is one of the most sensitive parts of your body. You will suffer if you change your piercing before it heals. Later, this pain can turn into inflammation. Finding the inflamed hole will be difficult and inserting the piercing will become more painful.

How to Care for Septum Piercing?

The post-procedure piercing specialist will give you specific recommendations to help your wound heal and avoid infection and other problems.

These recommendations are listed below:

  • Do not touch your wound: Touching the treated area with bare hands increases the possibility of infection of the wound. If you are going to clean the wound, you can do it by washing your hands thoroughly or using sterilized gloves. If you can wait for your piercing to heal before flipping it, that’s an added advantage. If you need to turn it, you can turn it after rinsing the wound area with warm water to soften your skin. Warm water can be helpful in minimizing bleeding and damage.
  • Avoid cleaning too much: Cleaning your piercing too much can cause irritation or bleeding at the wound site. Instead of cleaning frequently, you can clean it 2, 3 times a day or as needed. Be mindful in all activities you do (for example, when dressing, blowing your nose, etc.).
  • Do not clean the area with hydrogen peroxide-based products and alcohol: Harsh compounds such as triclosan and iodine can cause burning and bleeding in your wound area. It’s always a good idea to rinse the piercing area with a store-bought or homemade saline solution.

How To Replace Septum Piercing?

Thorough washing of hands before the procedure is essential in terms of hygiene.

Then thoroughly disinfect the septum piercing with a disinfectant solution.

Cotton swabs can be used to dry the metal.

If you have difficulty changing it, hold the jewelery face up or seek professional help.

Hold the middle of each side and turn it slightly, being careful not to open it too much.

Bend the ends of the piercing sideways, being careful not to separate them too much.

Another point you should pay attention to during the change is to keep your body and nose comfortable.

Any sudden movement can cause your wound to bleed.

It may be a little difficult to find the hole the first time you change it.

To find the hole, you can raise the area on the side of your nose or pull it down by squeezing the bottom of your septum.

If you are wondering how harmful snake eyes piercing can be, you can check out this article.


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