Pet Grooming

Why Does My Cat Keep Throwing Up?

Cat owners often express concern when their feline companion starts to exhibit recurring vomiting. It’s a distressing sight, understandably alarming, and often leads to the pressing question: Why does my cat keep throwing up? This blog post delves into the common causes behind this issue and provides practical solutions to prevent or treat your cat’s discomfort.


It’s not unusual for cats to vomit from time to time. Occasional vomiting may be normal for some cats, but when it becomes frequent, it signifies that something is amiss. Understanding the root of this behavior is essential for safeguarding your cat’s health and ensuring their well-being.

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Common Causes of Vomiting in Cats


A classic culprit is the hairball—a conglomerate of fur that cats ingest during grooming. While often harmless, hairballs can become problematic if they lead to blockages or frequent vomiting.

Dietary Issues

Cats can have sensitive digestive systems. Abrupt changes in diet, eating too fast or too much, or consuming spoiled foods can cause them to throw up. Hence, maintaining a stable diet is crucial.

Food Allergies

Just like humans, cats can develop allergies to certain ingredients in their food. If you suspect an allergy, it’s important to identify the specific allergen and eliminate it from their diet.

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Intestinal Parasites

Parasites like roundworms or hookworms may also be responsible. These unwelcome guests disrupt the digestive process and lead to vomiting among other symptoms.

Gastrointestinal Diseases

Chronic illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease or certain types of cancer can manifest with frequent vomiting. It’s vital to rule these out when you notice persistent issues.

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Preventive Measures and Solutions

Regular Grooming and Hairball Prevention

Regularly brushing your cat can significantly reduce the amount of fur they swallow, thus preventing hairballs. Hairball remedies can also aid in passing fur through the digestive tract.

Selecting the Right Diet and Feeding Schedule

Feed your cat a balanced diet and adhere to a consistent feeding schedule. Smaller, more frequent meals can help ease digestion.

Identifying and Eliminating Food Allergies

Work with your veterinarian to conduct an elimination diet by removing potential allergens and observing if symptoms improve.

Deworming and Parasite Prevention

Ensure your cat is on a regular deworming schedule to prevent parasitic infestations, and maintain a clean living environment.

Seeking Veterinary Care for Underlying Conditions

For chronic or severe cases, seeking veterinary guidance is imperative. They can provide a diagnosis and tailor treatment to your cat’s specific condition.

When to Seek Veterinary Care

You should seek immediate veterinary attention if your cat’s vomiting is accompanied by:

  • Lethargy
  • Dehydration
  • Blood in vomit
  • Severe or sudden weight loss
  • Signs of pain or distress


Never take recurrent vomiting lightly. While oftentimes the cause may be benign, such as hairballs or diet-related issues, it could also indicate a serious health concern.

By understanding why your cat keeps throwing up and taking proactive steps to prevent or address these issues, you’re contributing to a happier, healthier life for your feline friend. Remember, when in doubt, a veterinarian is your best resource to ensure the health and longevity of your beloved pet.

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