
Dicloplex Forte (Painkiller)

Dicloplex forte has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. This drug also has antirheumatic properties. It prevents the formation of some messenger substances called prostaglandins in the body. These messenger substances play a significant role in the development of pain, fever and inflammation.

Dicloplex Forte (Painkiller)

Dicloplex forte is frequently used in the treatment of the following diseases.

  • Acute arthritis
  • Chronic polyarthritis
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
  • Osteoarthritis of the joints
  • Osteoarthritis of the spine
  • Soft tissue rheumatism
  • Painful swelling after injuries
  • Painful inflammation after injuries

It should be noted that this medicine can be prescribed by the doctor to treat different diseases.

How To Use Dicloplex Forte?

Since the presentations of the drug are different, the dose and duration you use will be determined by the doctor. Make sure you carefully follow what your doctor tells you.

Medication is often used along with rest and physical therapy. Your doctor will want you to take it with food to prevent stomach upset. In some cases it may cause dizziness.

Do not drive or use any machinery until you know how it affects you. Avoid consuming alcohol while using dicloplex forte tablets as it may cause extreme drowsiness.

Since the duration of use depends on the type of complaint or the duration of the disease, it is determined only by your doctor.

Overdose can cause headaches, dizziness and even loss of consciousness, nausea, vomiting, and liver and kidney dysfunction, among other things. If you suspect an overdose, consult a doctor immediately.

The drug should not be used in children under 14 years of age. If you are under 18 years old, talk to your doctor before taking this medicine.

The dosage prescribed by the doctor may differ from the information in the package insert. Since the doctor adjusts this according to the person, you should use the medicine according to the doctor’s instructions.

Things To Consider When Using Dicloplex Forte

If you have the following health problems, be sure to talk to your doctor before using the medicine:

  • Sensitivity to Diclofenac Sodium, the active ingredient in the drug
  • Blood Disorders
  • Ulcers in the digestive tract (or history of them)
  • Bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Cerebral hemorrhage
  • Inflammatory bowel disease
  • Blood clotting disorder
  • Hypertension
  • Coronary heart disease (circulatory problems in the heart muscle)
  • Heart failure
  • Possible risk of narrowing of blood vessels in the heart
  • Circulatory disorders in the periphery
  • Circulatory disorder of cerebral vessels
  • Impaired kidney function
  • Impaired liver function
  • Porphyria
  • Collagen diseases

If you have recently had surgery, inform your doctor about this.

Children and adolescents under 18 years of age should not use the drug. If you are elderly and using this medicine, treatment should be well coordinated with your doctor and carefully monitored. In this group, the desired effects and undesirable side effects of the drug may increase or weaken.

If you are pregnant, contact your doctor. Several considerations play a role in whether and how the medication should be used during pregnancy. In some cases, the use of medication may be necessary and the doctor may prescribe the medication to you accordingly. It is not recommended to use dicloplex forte if you are breastfeeding.

If you use painkillers for a long time, you may experience painkiller-induced headaches. Talk to your doctor to prevent your headaches from becoming chronic.

Long-term use of painkillers can cause permanent kidney damage. This risk increases if several painkillers are combined or if a painkiller contains more than one active ingredient.

The medicine may trigger an asthma attack or a strong allergic skin reaction. Therefore, consult your doctor before use.

If you need to follow a diabetes diet, you should consider the sugar content.

Alcohol consumption should be avoided if possible during long-term treatment. Occasional consumption of small amounts of alcohol is allowed, but not with medication.

Side Effects

The following side effects may occur when using the drug:

  • Nausea
  • To vomit
  • To feel extremely frustrated and angry
  • Diarrhea
  • Gas
  • Stomach ache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa
  • Ulcers in the digestive system
  • Tarry stools or bloody diarrhea
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • İrritability
  • Burnout
  • İtching
  • Skin rash
  • Hives
  • Hair loss
  • Increase in liver values
  • Liver inflammation (hepatitis)
  • Edema

These side effects do not appear in everyone.

If you notice any discomfort or changes during treatment, contact your doctor or pharmacist.

Ways To Reduce Pain And Bloating

Pain and bloating are common health problems that can negatively impact daily life. However, there are many effective ways to deal with these ailments.

  • Hot and Cold Packs: Hot or cold packs applied to a painful or swollen area can increase blood flow or reduce inflammation. Be careful when using this method and apply the packs through a cloth without placing them directly on the skin.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Foods: You can reduce inflammation in the body and relieve pain by adding foods with anti-inflammatory properties such as ginger, curcumin (turmeric), and fish oil to your diet.
  • Exercise and Movement: Light exercises and regular physical activity can reduce pain by strengthening muscles and prevent bloating by increasing fluid circulation in the body.
  • Water Consumption: Drinking adequate amounts of water can help remove toxins from the body and relieve swelling by reducing fluid accumulation in tissues.
  • Massage and Stretching Exercises: Gentle massage and stretching exercises can relax muscles, increase circulation and thus reduce pain and swelling.
  • Meditation and Deep Breathing Exercises: It is known that stress can increase pain. Meditation and deep breathing exercises can help cope with pain by reducing stress.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Creams and Lotions: Anti-inflammatory creams, available at pharmacies, can be applied topically to relieve pain and reduce swelling.
  • Collaboration with a Doctor or Physiotherapist: In cases of chronic pain or severe swelling, it is important to seek professional help from a doctor or physiotherapist.
    Experts can create specific treatment plans and offer solutions tailored to individual needs.

These methods represent a variety of effective strategies that can be used to relieve pain and reduce swelling. However, everyone’s body structure is different, so it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any treatment.

Dicloplex Forte FAQs

1. What are diclofenac suppositories used for?

Diclofenac suppositories are used to relieve pain and reduce inflammation and swelling in various conditions, including arthritis, sprains, strains, gout, migraine, and dental pain. They are inserted rectally, where they dissolve and release the diclofenac into the body.

2. Is diclofenac a strong painkiller?

Yes, diclofenac is considered a potent painkiller. It belongs to the NSAID family and works by reducing substances in the body that cause pain and inflammation.

3. Is diclofenac stronger than ibuprofen?

On a dose for dose basis, diclofenac is considered more potent than ibuprofen. However, the effect can vary significantly between individuals, and some may find that ibuprofen works better for them.

4. Why was diclofenac banned?

Diclofenac was never ‘banned’ per se, but concerns regarding its cardiovascular risks led to tighter restrictions on its usage in some countries. Always follow the advice of your healthcare provider when using diclofenac.

5. What is the major side effect of diclofenac?

While most people use diclofenac without experiencing side effects, it can cause stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, gas, headaches, dizziness, and tinnitus in some. In rare cases, it can cause serious gastrointestinal issues like bleeding or ulcers.

6. Who should not take diclofenac?

People with heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, history of stomach ulcers or bleeding, asthma, or those allergic to NSAIDs should avoid using diclofenac. Pregnant women, particularly those in their third trimester, should also avoid diclofenac.

7. How fast does diclofenac work?

Oral diclofenac usually starts to work within an hour, while topical gels or sprays can take a little longer. Suppositories can begin working within 30 minutes.

8. Is diclofenac banned in the UK?

Diclofenac is not banned in the UK. However, due to risk of heart problems, it is only available as a prescription medicine, not over the counter.

9. Can I take diclofenac 50 mg daily?

Yes, the usual dose is 50mg 2-3 times a day. However, the precise dosage and frequency should be determined by your healthcare provider.

10. Can I take 2 tablets of diclofenac 50mg?

Taking two 50mg diclofenac tablets at once is typically not recommended without medical advice. Overdosing can lead to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, coma or seizures.

11. Can I take diclofenac 100 mg twice a day?

Generally, the maximum recommended daily dose of diclofenac is 150mg. Taking 100mg twice a day may exceed this limit and increase the risk of side effects.

12. Can I take two diclofenac 50mg?

Taking two 50mg diclofenac tablets at once is typically not recommended without medical advice. Overdosing can lead to stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, and in severe cases, coma or seizures.

13. Can I take diclofenac without eating?

It’s usually recommended to take diclofenac with food or a glass of milk as it can upset the stomach.

14. What happens if you take 2 diclofenac at the same time?

Taking two diclofenac tablets at the same time can increase the risk of side effects, particularly gastrointestinal issues. Always follow your healthcare provider’s instructions.

15. Can you take diclofenac 50 mg 3 times a day?

Yes, the usual dose is 50mg 2-3 times a day. However, the precise dosage and frequency should be determined by your healthcare provider.

16. Can I take 200 mg of diclofenac a day?

Taking 200mg of diclofenac a day is generally not recommended due to the risk of side effects. The maximum daily dose is typically 150mg.

17. How much diclofenac can I have in a day?

The maximum recommended daily dose of diclofenac is usually 150mg. However, your healthcare provider may advise a different amount depending on your condition and overall health.

18. How long can you take diclofenac 50 mg?

Diclofenac is typically used for short-term relief of acute conditions. If you need long-term pain relief, it’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider who can monitor your condition and adjust the treatment as needed.

19. What is dicloflex 50mg used for?

Dicloflex 50mg is a brand of diclofenac. It is used to relieve pain and inflammation in conditions such as arthritis, gout, sprains, fractures, dislocations, back pain, injuries and surgery.

20. Can diclofenac cause sleep problems?

While it’s not a common side effect, some people may experience sleep problems (insomnia) while taking diclofenac.

21. Can I drink with diclofenac?

It’s advisable to avoid alcohol while taking diclofenac as it can increase the risk of stomach bleeding.

22. How strong is diclofenac?

Diclofenac is considered a potent NSAID and is often used for moderate to severe pain.

23. Can I take diclofenac 4 hours after ibuprofen?

It’s not generally recommended to combine diclofenac with other NSAIDs like ibuprofen as it can increase the risk of side effects. Always follow your healthcare provider’s advice.

24. Can I take diclofenac with paracetamol?

Yes, diclofenac can be taken with paracetamol. They work in different ways and so can be used together without causing more side effects.

25. What works better than diclofenac?

The efficacy of painkillers can vary between individuals. Some may find other NSAIDs (like ibuprofen or naproxen) or different types of painkillers (like paracetamol or opioids) more effective. It’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider.

We can also read our article about the drug glucon.


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